- Business name: Ochano Tamura
- Business address:8-30,Higashi2-chome,Hasuda City,Saitama-ken,(ZIP:349-0111),Japan
- Telephone:+81-48-769-2373:FAX:+81-48-769-2373
- URL:
Established:March 1978
- President:Kenji Tamura
- Workforce:Six employees
- Business and product line
- Domestic tea:Automatic tea server:Tea paraphemalia:Tea utensils:Non(dried laver seaweed):Powdered green tea(for both home and professional use):and‘Motechate’Powdere Green Tea(trademark registration process underway)
- Banking Connections:Musashino Bank(Hasuda branch)
Saitama Resona Bank(Hasuda branch)
Saitamaken Shinkin Bank(Ageo branch)
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ(Hasuda branch)
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